Sandra Quinteira

Graduated in Biology (1996) at the Faculty of Sciences - University of Porto. Master degree in Quality Control - scientific area of Food and Water (1999) at the Faculty of Pharmacy - University of Porto. PhD degree in Microbiology (2006) at the Faculty of Pharmacy - University of Porto.

Adjunct Professor/Assistant Professor at CESPU. Invited Assistant Professor of Microbiology of the Faculty of Sciences - University of Porto. Integrated member at CIBIO – Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources – InBIO Associate Laboratory; Immunogenetics, Microbes and Infectious Diseases (IMID) group. Collaborator of the IINFACTS - Institute of Research and Advanced Training in Health Sciences and Technologies/CESPU; Drug Research (DR) line.
Research interests: 

Microbiology; Antimicrobial Resistance; Clinical, Environmental and Food Microbiology; Antimicrobial Drug Discovery; Molecular epidemiology.


Drug Research team member