Understanding Membrane Biology at the Interface Between Host Cells and Intracellular Phatogens
09 de outubro, 2020 | 12h00 | Webinar – Plataforma ZOOM
Resumo da apresentação:
How membranous organelles are formed and regulated is one the fundamental questions of eukaryotic cell biology. Scientists have addressed these questions by characterizing the structural elements of cellular organelles and introducing dynamic ques that facilitate analysis of organelle interactions. This can be achieved through the stimulation of eukaryotic cells with various reporter-cargo molecules, pharmacological inhibitions and genetic manipulations that facilitate selective perturbations and labelling of cellular structures. In this context, the biology of intracellular pathogens early emerged as an important field to gain insight into eukaryotic cell functioning. In particular, the interactions between host cells and intracellular bacteria, secreted toxins and/or enveloped virus, involve precise and highly regulated processes which can be exploited as tools to better understand cell biology. The study of host-pathogen interactions has therefore contributed greatly to our understanding of many disease-relevant mammalian cell process, including secretion, vesicular transport, autophagy, membrane repair and cellular immunity. Here we will discuss how cellular microbiology impacted our understanding of human cell biology and analyze particular examples where the study of intracellular bacteria (e.g Salmonella or Listeria spp) and enveloped virus (e.g Coronavirus) yielded ground-breaking contributions.
Senior Scientist at Van der Goot Lab, Global Health Institute, Faculté des Sciences de la Vie, EPFL – Lausanne, Switzerland.
2013 – 2018 - Post-doctoral fellow (EMBO & FCT) at the Group of Molecular Microbiology-IBMC-I3S, University of Porto.
2006 - 2011 - PhD in Molecular Microbiology - Imperial College, CMBI, London UK
Thesis – “Interactions between Salmonella and ubiquitin pathways”.
2003 - 2006 – MSc -Medical Microbiology University Nova of Lisbon, Portugal
Thesis – “mRNA degradation studies: implications with nucleotide salvation, transcription and proteolysis”.
1999 – 2003 - Licence in Microbiology - Catholic Portuguese University – Porto, Portugal Superior School of Biotechnology
Thesis – ‘’Characterization of HPV virus in blood cells of patients with cervical cancer’’
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Webinar ID: 969 3839 1801
IINFACTS - Instituto de Investigação e Formação Avançada em Ciências e Tecnologias da Saúde CBAS_4Ed. - Programa Doutoral em Ciências Biológicas Aplicadas à Saúde do IUCS